Those of you in warmer climes are probably getting tired of hearing about our snowy weather. This graphic seemed especially appropriate as we awoke to about 9 inches of new snow on the ground this morning with more in the forecast. We got about another three inches before the day was done.
This is what it looked like from our front door this morning.
Much of the piled up snow was pulled off the roof early in March. |
And this is what the backyard looks like. |
I had to shovel a path through the berm at the end of the driveway before I went on my ride today.
Without the fat bike, I don't think I would have been riding today. |
End of the ride and another look at the backyard. |
When I was putting some seed in the bird feeders this afternoon, I noticed what looked like a kind of woodpecker on the trunk of one of the trees. It turned out to be a male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, the first one I've ever seen.
And, to end this post, a haiku:
Spring has sprung they say
But a blanket of fresh snow
Buries hopes of spring