Friday, April 1, 2016

30 Days of Biking - Day One

For the third year in a row I've signed up to do 30 Days of Biking (30DOB) in April. An event begun in 2010 by a group of enthusiasts in Minneapolis, 30 Days of Biking is a pledge to ride your bike every day in April — any distance, any destination — and share your adventures online. People from all over the world have signed up and, as of 10:00 p.m. Central time this evening, 7,891 people have pledged to ride. That's 450 more than at this same time last year. For every two pledges, 30DOB is donating $1 to World Bicycle Relief.

I had quite a lot of inertia to get out on the bike today, part of the reason being that upon awakening this morning a blanket of white coated the trees and the ground. Not the way I wanted April to begin, especially after having a couple of pleasant riding days earlier this week with sunny skies and reasonably warm temperatures. By mid-afternoon, the waves of snow flurries had diminished. Ethel came by and she and I and another friend, Sharon, met to ride five miles on the Hospital Trails with our fat bikes. And so begins 30 Days of Biking. Nearly all the snow had melted by the time we rode, there were just patches here and there on the trails.


  1. Thanks, Roger! I feel like I'm lacking enthusiasm at the moment. I'm so ready for Spring and don't want to see any more snow.
