Saturday, April 1, 2017

30 Days of Biking - Day One, No snow & little ice

For the fourth year in a row I've signed up for 30 Days of Biking (30DOB) in April. An event begun in 2010 by a group of enthusiasts in Minneapolis, 30 Days of Biking is a pledge to ride your bike every day in April — any distance, any destination — and share your adventures online. People from all over the world have signed up and, as of 10:45 p.m. Central time this evening, 6,731 people have pledged to ride. That's over 1,000 less people than at this time last year which is a bit surprising to me as I've expected the number would grow each year. 

My first day of April began with two rides, one in the morning with a friend and one in the afternoon with Mike.

For the first time since moving to Wisconsin, the Namekagon River is ice free (and has been for at least a couple of weeks), Spring Lake, which I pass on one of my favorite rides is 90% ice free, and there is absolutely no snow to be seen in the woods or along the sides of the road.
Spring Lake - nearly ice free on the first day of April
 My haiku for today:
Lakes are nearly ice free
So, so strange to not see snow
Climate change is here

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