Wednesday, April 15, 2015

30 Days of Biking - Day 15, Week 3

The Wednesday Group
Every Wednesday, throughout the year, a group of outdoor enthusiasts from the Cable/Seeley/Hayward area, most of them retired, meets to either bike, hike or ski together, the activity depending on the season. During the summer and into early fall, it's either a road or mountain bike ride.

And during the warmer months, there is a riding group that meets almost every day of the week in the Northwoods, whether it be the New Moon ride on Tuesdays, the Chequema Mamas on Thursdays, a Saturday ride that departs from Cresthill Resort, or the Riverbrook ride on Sundays. This is amazing for an area that has a relatively small population. It seems this part of the Northwoods has become a gathering place for silent sports enthusiasts.

Mike and I joined about a dozen others for the Wednesday group ride. Like a couple of weeks ago, most of us rode a 21-mile loop that began and ended in Cable and that included Lake Owen Drive.
Along the way, we passed this historical sign that describes a portage route used for centuries. 

Afterwards, we had lunch outside in the warm sunshine at the Brick House. Another glorious day for a ride.

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